Who is your favorite Hamlet character?

Monday, January 26, 2009

If your parents really disliked the person that you wanted to marry, would you marry this person anyway?

If my parents disliked the person I wanted to marry, I wouldn’t marry them. I want my husband to be someone that is very well liked by my family, especially my parents. If I did end up marrying him, my relationship with my parents and family would go way downhill, which I could never live with. I love being so close to my parents, so I would definitely find a different husband. My parents know a lot better than I do, so of course, even if it seems impossible for them to be right, I’m going to take their advice. I’m sure that there is someone perfect out there for everyone, and he definitely isn’t someone that my parents don’t like, and I know I will be way happier with someone that my parents and family love to death.


  1. It's so cool that you think that way! I do too!

  2. Hmm... You know, I disagree. I do care whether or not my parents like my husband, but I would still marry him anyway. I'm sure that they would see how great he is. I really do understand what you are saying, but still, they can't rule my life forever.


  3. well i disagree cause when u said that there is someone perfect out there for everybody ya thats true but if you were going to marry that person then they must have been perfect for you... if the person i wanted to marry was perfect for me and made me happy but not my parents i would still marry that person. W.P.

  4. This is a very weak statement, because if the one person that was perfect for you was the one your parents didn't "aprove of" then why would you let that down the drain? Some people only find true love once. And if your parents didn't aprove of the one you love they don't respect you enough too get over their egos. You got commen sense too know if he would be good enough for you or not, no one knows you better than yourself! A.R.A
